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A Black Ariel? What About A White Storm?
Should race ever matter when it comes to art?
In the original Disney cartoon, The Little Mermaid, Arial is white with red hair. In the latest version, a black actress plays the character. Since this is art and fantasy — I don’t see the controversy?
It’s no different than creating a female Captain Marvel, having black dwarves or having a white Storm.
I personally prefer accurate representations in certain cases. For example, when it comes to actual history — Harriet Tubman was a historic black woman. George Washington was a historic white man. When it comes to portraying actual historical figures I think we need to be accurate. That being said… who am I to tell a director to compromise his or her artistic vision?
I personally found it jarring that Mickey Rooney played a Japanese character in Breakfast at Tiffany’s and I also find black Norse gods to be jarring. I think Anasazi and Bantu folk heroes should be Native American and black. But… that’s just me. My preference. It’s not my desire to force my opinions on anyone else. I respect that other people have other visions and they have the right to follow those.
When it comes to fantasy?
I’ve played role-playing games, and sometimes I’ve played an avatar that was a black…