Member-only story
A cashier apologized for me today
It made me angry and it should make you angry too
I went to the store today. It was an emotional roller coaster. Joy bounded in my heart when I saw that toilet paper was available. Resignation when my mom’s favorite brand of tortillas were still not available. And then anger.
I was waiting in line. The man behind me decided not to maintain his space.
He inched within a couple of feet of me.
Now, I never like having my space violated by strangers, but I normally keep up a facade of polite acceptance. That was once upon a time, though, before the harsh reality of our Brave New World.
In the age of Covid-19, I don’t make any pretense of politeness.
“Back up,” I told the man.
He looked at me in surprise. Dude was about a foot taller than me, at least, and built like a linebacker. I guess he’s not used to petite women telling him what to do.
“You need to back up,” I said, raising my arms, my fingers almost brushing his face. “There’s a sign on the floor that tells you where you’re supposed to stand. I suggest you stand on it.”
He still hadn’t moved so I raised my voice. “BACK UP!” My voice not only got louder, it went down an octave.