A friend of mine recently shared the Chris Rock video with me, about how not to get your a** kicked by the police. It's hilarious (I mean, it's Chris Rock). I had seen it before, but it’s apropos right now.
I've had white friends stopped for DUIs and they were taken to jail. None of them resisted arrest, though one did get verbal and ended up being roughed up a bit because of that.
I watched the whole 43 minute video of the interaction between Mr. Brooks and the cop. I could not believe how quickly things went south. During the first 40 minutes, Mr. Brooks was amiable if intoxicated and the cop was professional, patient and polite.
When he went to cuff Mr. Brooks, all hell broke loose. Mr. Brooks hit him, stole the taser, tried to use it and ran away. In Georgia a taser is considered a deadly weapon.
This was not like the deaths of Tamir Rice or George Floyd.
Blacks do face discrimination, and poor people are often not treated fairly by the justice system. This is against the ideals espoused by the Constitution.
The Constitution says that all of us are created equal and American jurisprudence provides many safeguards - a person is supposed to be tried by a jury of their peers, they are supposed to be given a lawyer if they can't afford one, etc.
To the extent that poor people and minorities are being deprived of justice - we need to address that issue.