A lot of this stuff, aside from the sexist stereotypes, is just good manners and common sense. If you say you're going to meet her (or him) at 8, be on time. Don't necessarily go for the prettiest girl (or guy) but for the one whose company you might actually enjoy. Don't assume that someone doesn't have his or her own life, and try to take into account his or her desires as well as your own. Dress neatly and be polite to parents and wait staff. If you like the person, it's good to let them know without being pushy. This kind of stuff is just basic manners.
The difference is that since it's the 21st century, women should feel empowered to also ask men on dates, to pay for dates and so on, and men should participate in some of the emotional work that women used to do - such as asking leading questions, showing an interest and listening to their date and so on.