actually, I'm fat and I've had no problems finding "high value" men but here's the thing - I'm not trying to use anyone. I'm honest and my current boyfriend is treated like a partner, not a wallet.
He actually proposed to me but I don't want to get married right now. He makes about 5 times what I do. If I just wanted the money I could have it but what I want is a relationship based on real things - love, respect, emotional support, affection, good conversation...
He and I give each other that and we are happy, so why screw it up by changing the dynamic? I will only marry him if I know it's not going to damage the connection we have.
He does typically pay for our dates and he's voluntarily helped me out a couple of times but these are things he chooses to do, not stuff I ask him to do. I don't have any rights to his money. I've already told him a prenup would be fine if we ever do get married because I don't want money to mess up a good relationship.