any religion can be used to foist misogyny on others. I was raised a Hindu and while the actual Hindu philosophy is NOT sexist, the way it's practiced in India is very much so. Same with Islam - who would want to be a woman in Afghanistan, for example, but that is not how early Muslim women were treated. In the Bible, there are several passages that support female empowerment, such as when Jesus praises Mary for wanting to learn (to be an apostle) vs. confining herself to household chores.
In that time, only men were allowed to sit and learn at a teacher's feet - that was the position a student took to a teacher and it was only allowed for men. If you watch Yentl, it depicts this because this was Jewish custom - only men went to school and learned. So Jesus was championing the right of a woman to take on this role. In other parts of the New Testament, St. Paul praises women who owned businesses or preached or headed up a church in their home.
It's unfortunate that power hungry people from many religions choose to go against the actual philosophy and instead push viewpoints that are misogynistic, but why is it even allowed?