Ariel is a fantasy character so what is the problem?
I do understand the desire for accuracy in some situations - I found it less than ideal that we had Mickey Rooney play an Asian character in Breakfast at Tiffany's and I also find black Norse gods to be jarring, just as I would want Anasazi and Bantu folk heroes to be Native American and black. I also think historic figures should be racially accurate. BUT... when it comes to a fantasy world??? (And, also, this is just MY opinion. It doesn't invalidate a director's artistic vision. If they see a black Thor, that is THEIR vision.)
I was never a big fan of Little Mermaid, but I love Halle Berry and I am sure she will be delightful in the movie. Black dwarves in Middle Earth? Why not. IT"S FANTASY.
I've played video games where I've made my own avatar - I'm not black, or male, but I have had black (female) avatars. I've also tried playing male avatars. It's FANTASY.
Why do people have to make such a big deal out of this? Looking at the music world - we've had people like Marian Anderson (black opera singer who sang at the White House) and Eminem. I have white friends who learn Indian dance, music, etc., and in India there are people who love Miles Davis.
If I go see Little Mermaid, I may or may not enjoy it, but the skin color of the main character will not be a factor.