As a minority woman who considers herself a traditional liberal in the John Stuart Mill or John Locke tradition, I sympathize with your viewpoint.
The other day I pointed out to a progressive on here that while climate change is important, making sure people don't starve and can heat their homes is more important. They found that anathema. But what is the point of saving future generations if current ones starve or freeze to death?
The people who claim that math is white supremacy have screws loose. Math does not care about race or gender. It cares about logic and sense. If we teach that 1 + 1 equals whatever you feel it is, then our bridges will start collapsing, our planes won't fly, and so on. If we teach that known medical science is racist, we will actually cost more black and brown people their lives since there are certain diseases that they are more susceptible to.
Anyway, your article said much that needs to be said. Thank you.