Member-only story
Belgian Malinois, Dalmations, and Huskies
Don’t adopt a dog (or any pet) based on a fad
When I took my dog Snowy to his first training session at puppy school, I was surprised to see a man there with a Belgian Malinois. The poor puppy was having a rough time. She would not stop jumping or barking. While only 6 months old, she was making it hard for her owner, a beefy man, to keep hold of her. She also made it hard for the rest of the class to hear the instructor.
After about 10 minutes, the instructor brought over two screens and basically blocked the dog off from view. This helped calm her down… a bit.
I wondered what the heck the guy was thinking. Why get a Malinois? He looked like a typical suburban couch potato, not the kind of guy who’d be taking his dog for 5 mile runs every morning and dedicated working sessions throughout the day.
Yet this is what a Belgian Malinois needs.
The dangers of getting a dog based on the media
People seem susceptible to media influence. Well, duh, you’re saying. Of course they are. And, when it’s an unfortunate hair style or fashion trend that results, no real harm done. Hair grows back and clothes can be donated to Goodwill.