BTW, what I might not have made clear — _I_ am a sinner. _I_ need to be forgiven. That is why I accepted Jesus. Because I knew I was not perfect, I knew I had sinned, and I needed to be forgiven and to be helped to be better. When I look at others, my focus should not be on THEIR sin, it should be on how I can love and support them. When I look at MYSELF, that is when I examine how I’ve sinned and how to improve and become a better person.
So when I talk about other people— it’s really their job to be on their own personal journey to become better Christians. If they are my friends, I can pray for them and support them if they ask me to, but it’s not my job to tell them the areas they fall short. Figuring out that stuff is between them and God — that is their private space, just like I have my private space, where God shows me areas I need to work on and improve. I do ask friends to pray for me, advise me, etc., because why struggle alone? But it would be incredible rude for me to intrude on someone else’s space without permission just like it’s rude for them to intrude on my space without being asked.
The beauty of Christianity is that it is open to all. Skin color, gender, social position, sexual orientation — none of it makes a difference. God loves you. He wants to have a relationship with you. That is the gospel.