Member-only story
Cancer Is Wearing Me Out
Low energy and random aches and pains
Lately the cancer has been taking its toll on me.
I put off doing chemo as long as I could because I want to enjoy however much time I have and I know from experience that chemo will wipe me out.
I’m in a scary place right now because my liver cancer started to grow really fast. And unfortunately, because of where it’s located, I can’t seem to absorb nutrients as well. So some of the alternative therapies I’ve been trying may not be as effective since my body can’t utilize the nutrients.
What is also frustrating — I long for emotional support with loved ones but due to my energy levels and the chronic pain, I can’t bear to be around people for too long.
So I’ll ask a loved one to spend time with me but can only do so for an hour or so before I get too tired and cranky to be social.
I start chemo this week. I’m not thrilled about it. But I think I’ve reached a point where I have no choice.
I have done some research and have some ideas on how I can increase the effectiveness of chemo and decrease side effects. I’ll write further articles about this in the next day or two, as my energy levels permit.