Member-only story
Dare to be Bare
Stop Letting the Media Define Your Beauty
Some Truths about Men and Women
Women often stress about how they look. They worry that their butts are too big, that their lips aren’t juicy enough or their hair is too frizzy. But here’s something they seem to forget — the average healthy male finds the average healthy female attractive.
In the past, women didn’t have access to 500 shades of lipstick, surgically enhanced cleavage and personal trainers. Yet they still attracted men.
If this weren’t the case, the human race wouldn’t be over 7 billion and counting.
Before Media
Once upon a time, women didn’t compare themselves to airbrushed, digitally enhanced images of models in the top 0.001% of the population.
Most people lived in villages. Without access to movies and magazines, who did a girl compare herself to? The others in her community. It is doubtful her neighbors looked like Beyonce or Bella Hadid.
Besides which, while her beauty was appreciated, for most men, other qualities about her would be more important.
A rural farmer on the American frontier or in feudal Japan or early modern Germany needed more than a pretty face if he wanted his family to survive…