Member-only story
Dating Millionaires
It’s Not All it’s Cracked up to Be
I recently became single after 18 years of marriage. My transition to the dating scene was eased by all the new apps and dating sites. Back in the Stone Ages, the last time I was single, the only computer dating option was It’s nice to have options.
I met a lot of guys in a very short period of time thanks to these sites. Some of them I liked. When they liked me too, we’d have a second date.
One of the guys was a tall, handsome, well-groomed specimen. His nails showed he went in for regular manicures. His understated cashmere sweater felt lovely when I hugged him at the end of the date.
We met for coffee. During the course of the conversation he let drop that he owned racehorses in Hong Kong. I was given to understand he had money, and quite a lot of it.
It was easy enough to look him up online after our date. Sure enough, he was rich. And easy on the eyes. And he seemed to be quite fond of me.
I’d hit the jackpot, right? Not so fast.
First of all, I was looking for love, not an ATM. While it’s great to be with someone who has money, I wanted to be happy. I was not looking for a quickie marriage I could leverage into cash— a short term gig followed by a hefty divorce settlement. I wasn’t…