Did that happen to you? How awful. That does sound traumatic. No wonder you are angry, and I hope you have found constructive ways to deal with that anger and pain.
However, I am not the person who caused your pain and it's not fair for you to take your anger out on me.
Also, I never said that "only women give birth is a first world problem". What I actually said:
"The reality is that in order for a mammal to give birth, it must have a uterus. This seems to be a given regardless of species. Why would human beings be any different?"
Now, in order to have a productive and fair discussion, it helps if we are honest and accurate. Misquoting me in order to feed your rage does not help the situation.
I never mentioned a particular gender, I only pointed out that mammals must have a uterus in order to give birth. And I don't see how anyone can give birth WITHOUT A UTERUS. If you know how someone without a uterus can give birth, let me know. I would be intrigued.
Also, in terms of having a productive discussion, it helps not to call people names. Apparently TERF is considered an insult? In which case - why insult me when I have not insulted you? Why escalate the anger and unpleasantness instead of trying to create harmony?
as far as thinking on the matter harder - since I had no idea until your most recent post that you had endured what you did, how was I supposed to know you'd be triggered? Unless you think I have some special powers I am unaware of. I can't read minds no matter how hard I think.
And what is birthrape? It sounds painful, but what is it? I've never heard that term before...