Did you read the same article I did? Because if you read the whole thing, it's pretty obvious that while the author is talking about non-whites in general, he does single out blacks in a couple of examples.
Re. my response - I MYSELF AM ASIAN. So, DUH, of course I know that non-blacks can have "exotic" names since I myself have one! And, again, I also make it quite clear that most of my black friends do NOT have "exotic" names. At least, the ones born in the United States...
Of the names you mention - what the heck are you talking about re. ethnic taint? As someone who has a black friend named Erika, just as an example - well, I have no idea what the heck you are talking about. I've never seen any sign of an ethnic taint! What am I missing?
And, FYI - that was not me being snarky. That was an honest request for information. I have NO IDEA how a name can have an ethnic taint. I would appreciate your explaining to me what you mean!