Member-only story
Disastrous dates I’ve had
It’s not all a bed of roses
I started dating again a couple of years ago, after 18 years of marriage. Talk about a shock. Dating has changed a lot in the last couple of decades. For those of you who are over 40, you know what I mean.
For the most part, I’ve had a lot of fun. As I talk about elsewhere, I’m a one-breasted cancer survivor who is overweight and over 50. So my expectations were low.
I was pleasantly surprised. Low expectations win again!
I ended up having a lot of fun. I met interesting men from all sorts of backgrounds. For a while I joked that I was dating the United Colors of Benetton because I’d see an Indian programmer one day, then a Jewish lawyer the next and an Irish fireman the day after that. It was fun.
Some of the guys morphed into friends. A couple of them introduced me to former girlfriends that I hit it off with, so I’ve even made women friends through this process. Weird, right? And I finally got to check out the Austin live music scene. Yeah!
But, despite my overall positive experience, I have had a few negs.
Though, to be fair, even these are not that bad, because, you see, I ruthlessly cull before I agree to meet anyone for coffee.