Do people have a right to defend their home or business? What about their own life?
Here is a video of the Indian immigrant whose car dealership was burned down.
BLM and Antifa destroyed every one of his cars. They were proud of it apparently and came back to shoot videos and brag about it the next night, according to this guy in another interview. He points out that he is also a person of color, he and his family built up this business starting with 6 cars, and now they've lost everything. What has he done to deserve this?
The reason Rittenhouse was in Kenosha was apparently to help defend a family friend's business from undergoing the same fate. Why do civilians have to do this? Because the police did not stop the looters from destroying businesses.
Don't get me wrong - I think Kyle's parents should NOT have allowed their 17 year old to go to what had essentially become a war zone. But there is video of him cleaning a defaced school earlier in the day, and a video of him showing his medical kit - as a lifeguard he said he was prepared to offer first aid to anyone who got injured. He was not some evil white supremacist looking for black people to kill.