Dogs bark sometimes. That is the nature of dogs, with a few exceptions like the Malamute. And Rottweilers - they are like silent assassins!
If a dog is left out all the time, it may bark incessantly which of course is annoying. But the poor dog is being neglected and is bored, so of course the poor thing barks. Not the dog's fault, the owner is not taking proper care of the dog. This is not what is happening in your case, however.
I have known people with small, yappy dogs where the dogs really DO bark nonstop for no reason, as well. I hate that. But that is not your dog.
I have a German Shepherd. He barks when there is an actual reason to bark. That is not a bug, it's a feature. He is alerting me that something is "off". Also, his barking might scare away a burglar.
Your dog is doing his job. He is a good dog. I wish you well in your move to a safer area.