Member-only story
Doing Chemo Again
I don’t want to but feel I have no choice
I recently had a PET scan. The results were not what I’d hoped. Small cancerous areas in my lymph nodes had grown, but if that was all that the scan had shown, I’d have opted out of chemo.
Unfortunately, there was also an area in my femur that showed cancer. And my oncologist pointed out that this weakened my leg. If it got weak enough, a small fall could theoretically break my leg.
Aside from the misery this would cause due to lack of mobility, it could actually be even worse than my needing a wheelchair. It could theoretically slice my femoral artery. That could lead to death.
While I prefer healing my cancer through gentler methods — diet, saunas, supplements, etc., all of these take time to work. This is true with most holistic medicines, vs. allopathic medicine which tends to be like sending in the shock troops. This will blast your body to defeat the enemy, but might also create collateral damage.
To me, the war zone analogy makes sense when it comes to cancer.
It feels like a battle to me and I don’t like that the battlefield is my body.
I’ve had many ups and downs and emotional highs and lows throughout this journey.