Don't forget, we left 85 billion in equipment behind when we left Afghanistan - which means now the Afghan army is better equipped than our allies, the Australians. The Afghan army now has helicopters, HUMVEEs, tanks, military aircraft, rifles, etc., which means we've essentially equipped our enemies as they continue to commit acts of terrorism against our allies in the region.
We also left behind service dogs even though the SPCA and others were willing and ready to help evacuate them!!! But we put roadblocks in the way.
This on top of leaving behind American citizens, including children, and Afghan allies, along with biometric data that will help the Afghanistan hunt them down and kill them.
On top of his disastrous decisions during the evacuation, since then, we've seen Biden look at his watch several times during a ceremony to honor fallen US soldiers, we've seen his ineptitude in the response to Hurricane Ida, and there is footage of him falling asleep in a meeting with our ally, Israel.
Re. the hurricane - when Katrina caused devastation, Bush was held to account. Is Biden being held accountable? Crickets. It seems that Biden gets a pass no matter what.
Don't get me wrong, I didn't vote for Trump - but why is it that we got the absolute worst possible Dem as our President, when there were so many good candidates???