First of all, let me say that I am not denigrating your personal experiences of racism. I myself have experienced racism. It is awful. I would never be disrespectful of pain you've suffered as a black woman.
That being said, I never said that white people have NO RESPONSIBILITY for racism in America. What I originally said was that the electoral college was not designed to oppress black people. The author of Federalist 68 was Alexander Hamilton, who was virulently opposed to slavery.
Does racism exist? Yes. Was it invented by whites and is it solely a white thing? No. Like all sinful behavior, it is universal to mankind.
I recently had a conversation about this very topic with a black friend of mine, someone I consider a brother. We have known each other for over 30 years. I have visited his family, he has visited mine. The first time I visited, I contributed money for his grandmother's church, which is located in a small town in South Carolina.
He agreed with me. We both believe that racism is a serious enough issue that it's important not to dilute the message by making stuff up.
I do not believe blacks are intellectually inferior to whites, or any other group. Therefore, when I read a work written by a black author, I hold him or her up to the same standards of scholarship I would hold anyone else. If I see a claim that is false, I am going to call him on it.
Now, I could be wrong about the electoral college. If someone provides source material that shows that it was, in fact, written in order to keep black people oppressed, then I will concede and admit I am wrong.
BTW, I recently had an online conversation with a white woman who wants all blacks to be shipped to Africa. So I do know that there are white racists out there. They are despicable people, but I doubt they represent the majority of white people.
I go to a women's Bible study which is diverse. Two best friends are black and white. They went to Jerusalem together last year. In my neighborhood, before the pandemic, I would see children of all colors playing together. A friend of mine invited me to a dance-athon at her church a couple of years ago to raise money for victims of sexual abuse. She is black; her church is mixed race. There were people of all colors participating. I routinely see mixed-race couples.
While racism still exists, it has changed even from when I was a child. JMHO.