From a purely logical, rational sense - there is no reason not to eat dog. And, to be honest, the real reason I have such huge objections to it, besides the emotional aspect, is the cruelty with which they are treated.
In China, at least, they kill both dogs and cats in brutal ways in order to procure the meat since they think a terrified animal produces hormones that are tastier. I find this horrific.
I am not against eating meat, I am against torture.
It's the same reason I don't buy factory farm rasied meat or eggs. I only buy pastured or wild caught animal products and recently I have tried to get products that use regenerative agriculture. In fact, I just published an article in Wholistique on this type of agriculture, which is better for the environment.
In theory, I would be OK with eating dogs IF they were treated humanely. In reality - I am too emotionally attached to them to eat them. BUT... at least I recognize that this is irrational.