Have you read Malcolm X's biography? I think black people in America would have advanced much further if they had taken him seriously.
And if I'm a bigot for not wanting black babies to be aborted or black children to be abandoned by their fathers - well, I guess that makes me a horrible human being because I actually care. Most of my black friends barely know their fathers. One of them was lucky to be raised by a really decent stepfather, another had an amazing mom.
I used to tutor inner city kids. One thing that horrified me - they were afraid of getting shot while going to school! No wonder their grades suffer...
But yea, call me names.
Well, God loves you anyway.
BTW, what have YOU actually done to help fellow black people? The reason I ask - I got really disillusioned by liberals because so many talk about wanting to help but DO NOTHING.
I used to vote Democrat consistently. But then I noticed - when I tutored black kids or volunteered at soup kitchens serving the urban poor - it was mostly conservatives working beside me. What actually helps people more - actions or words?
But the Dems do deserve credit for many good things they've done that have benefited the poor and working class. Things like OSHA and worker protections as well as affirmative action and fighting against housing discrimination.