Here’s a key difference between us and activists — even when we disagree, we don’t attack each other. We can express ourselves clearly without going there. It’s respectful.
While I would never keep an exotic pet — it’s more due to lack of time/knowledge/energy than anything else. I’d love to keep an exotic IF I knew I could give it the care it needed.
While it is true that some of the animal rights videos are not honest, if you talk to people who work in agriculture… it’s not really acceptable, in my view, what they do to animals.
Animals are sentient beings. If an animal is going to die to feed us, the least we can do is make sure it doesn’t suffer. JMHO. So I’m a big proponent of humane slaughter techniques (I love Temple Grandin’s work) and of course humane treatment. So I only buy pastured meat. I’m not going to attack you if you don’t, however, or burn down buildings or any of that. I can make my case and then, if others are interested, they can do their own research and make their own decisions.