Hey, I'm sorry you encounter those issues, but what are YOU doing to help black women (and men) get the pain medication they need? Or vets getting the care they need? What are YOU doing to help those not in your little group? The thing is, if it was up to me, hospitals would use the proper gender terms, etc., but since I'm not in charge...
I am not abusing you or anyone else, and I'm not responsible to solve your problems. Be a big boy, step up to the plate, and take charge of your own life.
As someone who has been dealing with cancer, I could share some stories about how, as a woman of color, I had to do extra work to make sure I got the treatment I need. Is it fair? No, but I took responsibility and took charge. You can too. I encourage you to be proactive.
Or don't.
But stop pushing your misinterpretations and prejudice on me. I have no aggression or disgust towards trans people. In fact, I volunteered before COVID teaching art classes to trans kids who were facing bullying. I'm 100% against that kind of crap.
But I'm not going to deny my own opinions for some stranger I don't even know and I'm not going to let you shame or gaslight me. Deny science if you want. I'm a rational person with a working brain, I'm not going to pretend a penis and testicles can bring a baby to term.
Trans men who have babies have uteruses. If you actually have scientific evidence that a a biological man without a uterus was able to carry a baby to term without medical modification that is not naturally possible - you should have shared it. I am always open to FACTS, SCIENCE and DATA.
I am going to block you because this conversation is useless. I don't care if you agree with me or not, but your making implications about me is rude and uncalled for, especially when I have engaged with you honest and respectfully. If you can't figure that out... well, it's sad but not my problem.