Member-only story
Hidden victims of Covid-19
Abused children locked with volatile parents
It’s hard to be a parent. Particularly when you face uncertainty and fear. Many families now are struggling with a loss of income. Others parents face the stress of overwork — if they are first responders, for example, or nurses.
Some parents not only have children to care for but also elderly parents.
Some have ongoing issues with substance abuse that they struggle with. Functional alcoholics, for example, can hold it together when there is structure in their lives — a job they go to every day and community support. For recovering addicts, often their support groups are a lifeline that helps keep them sober.
What happens when these safety nets are gone?
What happens when a parent is home all day with their child? Children who may not understand why they can’t visit their friends or go to dance class or soccer practice? Children who might be bored and demanding?
Even totally emotionally healthy parents might find this a challenging time. For those parents who are on the edge, either due to financial circumstances, work stress, fears for an elderly parent or addiction issues — this might be the last straw that breaks them.