Hmmmm... thanks for your feedback. But your feedback makes me feel curious why you perceive it that way since obviously that makes this a miscommunication which I have no idea how to correct.
I have no idea why it sounds desperate since I am being honest - I liked being single before I got married and turned down 4 marriage proposals, but then I fell in love, got married, but I can't say I was happier... just happier in different ways.
The only thing I can think of re. why you may see more of these types of articles by women - because women express themselves and their emotional space more verbally and expressively than men do.
there are plenty of sites devoted to MGTOW and that kind of thing, though, and I don't like it when they are misogynistic, but I'm fine with men who are simply honest without the hostility. Same with women. I don't like it when women just hate on men.
I personally don't hate men, I have found, however, that there are a lot of advantages to being single.
BTW, the reason I am divorced - my husband left when I got a mastectomy. Which stunned me since I had been fighting cancer for years at that point.... but, anyway, I started dating again expecting that NO ONE would want to be with me, due to my age and what I looked like... yet I got LOTS of dates.
Which I liked, because I like men. But when one of them proposed... I really had to re-think the whole single vs. married thing and realized... at least for now... I'd rather be single.