honestly, for me, I just didn't enjoy it. But like I said, I generally don't like re-makes. I didn't like the re-make of Ghostbusters, for example, and many other movies.
Like I said to someone else - if the ONLY reason I'm going to like or dislike a work of art is due to the race of the creator, then I'm a racist. But if the race of the person is irrelevant, then I'm not.
For me, personally, the original evoked emotions that the re-make did not. So, as a work of art, the re-make did not work for me. Re-makes seldom do, however.
I've watched other shows and movies, though, that deal honestly with racism and enjoyed them, like "The Color Purple". However, if someone told me they didn't enjoy "The Color Purple" I wouldn't assume they were racist. Maybe they simply don't like that type of movie.
I think people are too quick to call others racist instead of giving the benefit of the doubt. And I say this as a woman of color who has experienced racism.