Honestly? I think every time the government tries to "help" black people, the situation seems to get worse. The track record is not so great. Before LBJ's Great Society, over 90% of black children were raised in intact families.
Also, not all black kids qualify for college, so what about the ones who don't? I would think they need the financial help more...
One thing I'd like - change social security so that a portion of it can be inherited. Right now the system stiffs black men, this way at least they could leave something to their kids. Black kids get the least generational wealth in this country.
another thing I'd be up for - land for black folks who can prove their ancestors worked here as slaves. The freed slaves were promised 40 acres and a mule, weren't they? Not only the ex-slaves but also sharecroppers who were often cheated - anyone who can prove their ancestors were in either group - give them some cash that they can use to buy land. I'd rather give them cash so they can buy whatever land they want.
I don't see the point of reparations for people like President Obama, who had a white mother and an African father who voluntarily came to America for an education. If you voluntarily come here why are we paying you reparations? That should be for the descendents of slaves.