How about instead of resorting to hostility, name-calling and other juvenile and overly emotional reactions, we stick to reason, logic, science and data? I prefer REASONED discussions engaging the cerebral cortex, rather than going into the primitive lizard brain responses.
Now, I do appreciate that you cited some actual data. That allows us to actually look together at real numbers, like scientist, and come to logical conclusions. That is so much better than going off in an emotional and stupid way.
The data you cite makes a compelling case for vaccines. So thank you for providing that. It would have been much more effective, however, if you had simply cited the data for me to read vs. all the emotionalism. You may not realize it, but when you immediately go into the hostile/lizard brain realm, you make it much harder for others to actually listen to what you are saying. I went ahead and read your citation DESPITE your bad attitude but not everyone else is as tolerant and open minded.
Now, I know YOU will probably not bother to read MY citation (though you can always surprise me, in which case I'll have to apologize) but here is the data I was reading re. Israel, where the majority of cases are among the vaccinated:
For EVERY point I have made in my post, I can site actual numbers and data - I'm not pulling this stuff out of my a**. Much of the information re. epidemiology is from proven science of decades ago. Let me know if you want me to provide further citations - I am happy to do so if you are actually interested in the information.