How long do you have? LOL
Re. the statistic - I read this back in the '90s. I tried to do some research recently but they obscure the numbers. The fact is that not just when it comes to welfare, but the military budget, whatever is spent on roads, education, etc. - there is no tranparency. The money they charge in California for gas taxes is supposed to go to maintain the roads but a citizen's group investigated and guess what? Politicians lie.
This is true of both Democrats and Reppublicans. Of course Mitch McConnel is horrible, But how did Nancy Pelosi get so rich? Is she really doing what is best for the people who voted for her, or for the lobbyists and others who finance her lavish lifestyle?
And if you look at the actual numbers (math is not politically biased - one plus one is always going to be equal to two unless you live in some alternate quantum universe), it cost a lot less for medical care back in the 1970s and 1980s. Why?
Apparently Americans now pay twice as much for healthcare as they did in 1980 - and it's due to insurance costs -
This is on the Dems as much as the GOP. Obamacare was a chance to fix the problem but I think it made things worse, if you just look at the raw numbers which I remember looking up a few years ago.
Liz and Bern are both super smart, as was Andrew Yang. I voted for Yang because I wanted someone with practical and good ideas to solve problems - and he had a ton of great ideas. He was also willing to reach across the aisle and try to form consensus, which CAN be done.
But the national Dem party was out to get Bernie back in 2016, and I think he would have beaten Trump. I think the national party is corrupt. Biden is an idiot. Barack Obama even said you could rely on Joe to f*ck things up. Why did we get Biden when we could have had someone really sharp like Warren?
Sorry for ranting.