Member-only story
How to Get Debt Free
You Need to Get that Monkey Off your Back
Debt Enslaves You
Even 2500 years ago, people knew debt was bad. In Proverbs 22:7, it says “…the borrower is slave to the lender.”
Debt is the monkey on your back, the noose you stick around your own neck. It gives others the right to your future earnings. It limits your choices.
Let’s say you buy a flat screen with your credit card. You really love it, and the payments aren’t a problem because you have a great job.
But then your kid needs braces, or your car breaks down. So you put that on credit too. Now what? Your monthly payment goes up. When the next emergency hits, and it goes up again.
And then things turn sour at work. You get a new boss who hates you. You want to quit, but you can’t, not unless you can find a new job that pays at least as much. You feel trapped. You are a debt slave.
Sixteen Tons
In an earlier era, mining companies knew how this worked, and they used the system to exploit their employees. The miners needed to live close to the mines where they worked, so they stayed in company towns. They bought their goods at the company store, which would offer credit.