I agree that Trump is awful but re. red states vs. blue states — Red state governors actually seem to be doing a better job in terms of managing this crisis. For example, de Santis vs. Cuomo. Forget the news coverage and just look at the data. How many deaths per capita?
Florida has a higher percentage of elderly people and a higher percentage of minorities than New York yet has a MUCH LOWER death rate. What gives?
Part of it is that New York City is so densely packed, and that de Blasio is an idiot. He refused to shut down schools when Cuomo told him to, etc. But one thing that de Santis did — he targeted vulnerable populations early on.
Recognizing that Covid-19 is far more deadly for the elderly, he sent out notifications to places like The Villages earlier than other states, and made sure nursing homes had plenty of PPE and were able to isolate patients. This helped cut death rates.
As far as Trump’s stupid comments… they are stupid BUT they often have a kernel of truth. Sunlight in general and UV light in particular actually does kill viruses. With the Spanish Flu, they found that patients in outdoor field hospitals which were more exposed to sunlight had lower death rates.
This doesn’t mean we can shine a light up our butts and hope to be healthy, but it is the kernel of truth behind Trump’s bizarre claims.
For example, his claims about the anti-malarial drug… ,a Democrat representative did credit Trump with her recovery from Covid-19 and is now being censured for it: https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2020/04/23/democrats-plan-censure-lawmaker-whitsett-credited-trump-covid-19-recovery/3010947001/