I am a traditional liberal. I believe in the rights of each individual and that extends to children.
The government should not be involved in religion. That was a principal even the Puritans adhered to - you could not be the governor if you were a preacher.
However, we all have First Amendment rights. That protects both religious and political speech. Students should have this right as well as adults.
If a child wants to say grace before lunch, wear a hijab or Star of David, pray before a test - these are protected rights that all of us have. If a child is a Wiccan or atheist - he or she is also protected. Or should be. So there should be NO COERCION but freedom of expression is sacrosanct.
Additionally, it's hard to understand literature and history without an understanding of religion - because Shakespeare, the Reconquista, the Protestant Reformation, the founding of America - all of these have a religious component. The key is that teachers can NOT infuse their own bias when teaching these topics.