I am mostly vegan but I do eat eggs sometimes for health reasons. I do not do well on a completely vegan diet. The big issue I have is that the way even humane egg producers get their chickens often results in the cruel death of male baby chicks.
That being said, I do buy pastured eggs from a local organic farmer. I've visited her operation. Her chickens have a HUGE yard with shade trees, grassy areas, a natural pond and a very comfortable chicken coop for their nests. They are not overcrowded. They forage for food which she supplements with organic produce. She told me their favorite treat is when she cooks spaghetti for them. One time she let me feed that to them and they did seem to love it.
She has a rooster and gets her new chickens the old fashioned way. The male chicks do end up in her stew pot. It's not perfect, but at least they get to live in the fresh air and sunshine until then.