I am not a vegan but I am mostly vegan. I gave up dairy altogether. I do eat a pastured egg once a week and either pastured meat or wild caught fish a couple of times a month. The reason I am not fully vegan is when I tried it, I got sick. I’ve known other ex-vegans who have had similar issues. Some people can be vegan for their whole lives with no issues, some people do seem to need small amounts of animal protein. I don’t think any of us needs fur, leather, etc., and we don’t need animal testing. We don’t need to lock dogs or monkeys or rats in research labs. Any shampoo, soap, etc., I buy has the seal saying it was not tested on animals and doesn’t use animal ingredients.
From an ethical viewpoint, I hate torturing animals. I hate factory farms. Pigs are as smart as dogs, so why is it OK to put a sow in a tiny crate where she can’t even turn around? Or take a baby cow away from its mom when it is less than 2 days old? Or stick baby chicks in a meat grinder while they are alive?
However, my big problem with it is cruelty, not necessarily death. I euthanized a dog and a cat (both rescues). My dog was 14 and could barely walk. My cat was almost 21 and had renal failure. I saw how gentle their deaths were. I also saw my father die — and his death was less gentle.
Here’s the thing. I don’t have an issue with the circle of life. My cats have killed rodents. Wild dogs and cats kill things to eat. Humans evolved from hunter gatherers. From what I have read, Native Americans had an attitude of respect and gratitude for the animals they killed.
I think over time society will continue to become more vegan. It’s better for the environment, it’s more humane and it’s healthier for human beings to eat less animal protein. If I can figure out a way to be totally vegan again and stay healthy I’ll do it.