I am not anti-vaccine, and in fact, would advise people in certain situations to get it. I never bother with flu shots, instead I work on my immune system. But most Americans lead a really bad life in terms of diet and are unwilling to change. You are not going to be healthy eating Doritos or factory farm raised meat.
I eat mostly home-cooked food, all organic, non-GMO; any meat or fish is pastured or wild-caught. I do have a small garden but if I can eventually afford to I'd like to get some acreage and grow more. At one point, once upon a time, I grew, among other things. 17 tomato plants as well as tons of herbs, greens, peppers and a few other favorites. I wasn't doing it as a survivalist but because I like growing things and I like good food, and the heirloom and odd varieties I grew were amazingly tasty.
One thing people no longer do which they should - incorporate fasting into their lifestyle. It's really good for helping what ails you. Also spending regular time with God, but of course we can't say that anymore because it's not PC.