I am not sure you are being fair to your husband?
does he NEVER care for you emotionally, or is it just that he is more emotional than you are and so needs extra sensitivity than you do?
a lot of times the wife is the one who is "more emotional" or is "oversensitive" or whatever you want to call it, and the husband is supposed to just man-up. But, it's not surprising that a woman who is more even-keyed emotionally would be with a more emotionally sensitive man.
I once dated a guy who had a hard time with confrontation. Any time we needed to deal with an issue where someone had to bring up an issue - like, if we ordered food and got the wrong item - it would be me dealing with it.
Was this a pain sometimes? Sure. BUT... this particular bf did a lot of other things for me.
If your husband does other things for you... then that is great. it's OK for you to support your husband in this area as long as he also takes care of some stuff. JMHO