I am strong, smart, etc., but also am much more traditionally feminine and lo and behold, I am never alone on a Friday night unless I want to be. HOWEVER, this is who I NATURALLY am.
I think if you are naturally a certain way, then that's great, but trying to put on an act will only hurt you in the end.
Also, there is a huge misconception, IMHO, that trad fem means doormat. I grew up with a very feminine mother and she was no doormat. She stood up to my dad whenever she needed to and he respected her. Some trad husbands are very respectful of their wives. The ones who are not are insecure or have other issues. A truly feminine woman will more likely pick up on this whereas women who are acting may not...
But at any rate, I think women should be who they naturally are. Don't change your basic personality. Maybe smooth some rough edges, but beyond that... be yourself and you will find someone who is compatible.