I am very pro-2nd amendment BUT... I'd rather use pepper spray in a situation if I knew it would keep me safe. Why? Because why would I want to potentially kill anyone? Even someone robbing me? Seriously, the only reason I'd do that is if it's the only choice I have in order to protect myself or someone else. If I could avoid the scenario altogether by simply not being home, that would be even better. No possession is worth someone's life.
BTW, one reason I'm glad we do have the right to bear arms - I have had women friends who needed a gun to protect themselves. One friend was beaten up by her ex several times and put in the hospital. He broke into her house and raped her. She had a restraining order. She called the cops on him every time he broke it. Nothing stopped him UNTIL she got a gun. The first time he broke in after that - she aimed it at him. He knew she would shoot if she had to. He left her alone after that.
Do I support shooting anyone? No, but sometimes people don't have a choice, and I respect that.