I appreciate this article because, while you state your opinion, you tried to be fair to the other point of view as well.
My issue with Millen is she doesn't use Lia's preferred pronouns - that is disrespectful
However, she makes a valid point - there is a reason adult men and women don't compete in most sports. Because of testosterone and other factors, once men go through puberty, they are at an advantage. This is why there is such a huge difference between the best times for women's sprints, say, vs. men's. It's why Lia was sorta mediocre as a competitor as a male but now that she's female, she is breaking records.
One way to tell that this is not fair - how many trans men are competing against biological men and breaking records in competitive swimming, track, etc.? If the trans women are crushing biological women and trans men are not represented... why is that?
What will happen - as trans women dominate women's sports, biological women will stop competing. Because they know they have no chance.
This is not fair to biological women. However, not having events that allow trans women (and men) to compete is also not OK. The reality is that trans people should also have safe places to compete. Maybe we need to expand competitions to allow such a space for trans people.
BTW, hope it is OK I used the term biological male - if there is a better term, please let me know. I have no desire to be disrespectful to trans men and women.