I appreciate your comment, however... it is obvious you do not have an engineering background.
Airbags, crumple zones, seatbelts, etc., are NOT AI. They are mechanical systems.
IEEE has been around for 125 years and the research articles in Spectrum meet the highest starndard for peer reviewed articles. The article I refer to was written in July of 2023. They have not resolved the issues cited in 6 months.
Re. highway design - here is a link to a proposal from 2022: https://www.nextgov.com/artificial-intelligence/2022/11/transportation-department-looks-ai-help-modernize-highways/379257/
If you read it, you will see that they were just beginning to consider using AI to help them with road design. Since it takes years to design and build highways, I doubt that a proposal from 2022 has actually been tested (via simulation), designed, and built.
I concede that I could be wrong. If you can cite actual peer reviewed research I'd be happy to look at it.