I appreciate your writing about this because it opened my eyes to something that I don't think about in my daily life.
I stepped off that carousel decades ago, if I was ever on it. Before I got cancer I had a very attractive butt, apparently, but I got it honestly - I loved to dance and I also hiked for miles every day when I was in grad school. That naturally resulted in a shapely rear. Now, thanks to the cancer, it's flat as a pancake. And... I'm OK with it.
One thing the cancer has done for me - helped me focus more on what helps others and not so much myself. So I've tried to support the other women in my life more, particularly because I have found so much kindness in them as I've dealt with the disease.
Now that I've read your article - I am going to make even more of an effort with the teenaged girls and young women in my life, to lift them up and help them, however I can, to feel positive about themselves.
So your article has changed my outlook for the better, so thank you. I appreciate you.