I can’t believe that they price babies differently based on race, and that they have such weird ways of defining race! From my perspective… as long as the baby is healthy, who cares about race? And no race is less valuable! But hearing about this makes me get a new perspective on things like BLM.
OTOH, there are now apparently some districts where they refuse to let non-black parents adopt black babies because there might be cultural issues with that. While I get that there may be some things that white parents might struggle with re. a black child (one of my friends who adopted a black baby told me that she had to figure out how to style black hair), at the same time — the most important thing should be that the child is given a home with parents who love him or her. JMHO.
BTW, my friends who adopted a black baby — she is now almost 12, and a confident, happy, loved child who brings her parents so much joy. Race is irrelevant.