I consider myself an introvert because I need time to myself on a regular basis and that is what energizes me. I am an artist and have a vivid inner canvas.
I love people and have many friends, but I can only be around them for so long before I need to have my alone time, particularly in groups of loud people.
I also love to travel, but I let people know when I travel with them — I will need times to go off to a cafe on my own every once in a while. As long as they are OK with that, it’s not a problem for us to travel together.
I have no problems doing things on my own. I go for solitary hikes, visit museums, art galleries and bookstores, go to movies, go out for meals. I like doing these things with people too. I am good either way.
When I am with people I am more interested in making a real connection then in chit chat. Not that I can’t do it, but that’s not meaningful to me.
When I look at my calendar — I always make sure to block out time for myself, where I can just sit and think or quietly read. I used to not do this when I was younger because I felt guilty, thinking I should be more social, more available, etc. Then I finally figured out — first I need to care for myself. So now I block out that time. If I don’t do it, I can’t stay sane.