I disagree with you somewhat, but here is why — I think some men simply aren’t ready to settle down, so it doesn’t matter if they meet “the right woman”. They aren’t at a place in their lives where it matters.
And I get it, because I’ve been in that boat. When I was in my 20s, I dated plenty of guys who WERE “the right man”, but it was the wrong time. By the time I was ready, those guys had found other women. That’s just life. You can’t rush emotional maturity.
If a man is ready to settle down, but he won’t with a particular person — obviously she is not HIS right woman. She could be the ideal woman for someone else, though.
It’s not about pressuring women to change themselves to please men. It’s about people, both male and female, not settling for just anyone. We should all want our right person.
If she thinks he’s Mr. Right, but he sees her as Ms. Right Now, then she needs to dump his a** and find someone else. She needs to be proactive and take responsibility for getting her needs met. That also means not buying his B.S.
If she wants a permanent commitment and he always has an excuse, it’s time to cut through the crap and tell him she’s going to start dating other people.
As women, we need to own our own happiness, not expect men to provide it.