I don’t disagree with you re. the trend of society as a whole, however, it all comes back to what Alexis de Tocqueville once said — “America is free because America is good.” Basically, when people can govern themselves, few rules are needed.
When I was a young child, my parents were strict. But by the time I was about 12, the rules were loosened and by the time I was 14, I was allowed to do what I liked. But I seldom got into trouble, because I could govern myself. I understood that freedom comes with responsibility.
However, to address your last point, everyone in my wide circle of acquaintances is a decent person. They could be trusted with a gun, though many would never have one. Many of them are poor people, BTW. One falsehood is that poor people are less moral. Another is that skin color has anything to do with decency.
I go to church and many of my friends are Christian. When I was diagnosed with metastatic brain cancer a few months ago, I was amazed by the outpouring of love. However, my Muslim neighbors brought over food and sat with my mother, my Wiccan friend took time off work to drive me to the hospital and an atheist friend is taking care of my dog. It’s not about religion, but a strong moral framework and sense of community.
Anyway, thanks for the discussion.