I enjoy your articles because you give us facts that many are no longer familiar with or that people deny, but it’s important to remember these things.
One thing (if you pardon my being political) that has surprised me is that blacks vote so overwhelmingly Democrat. Part of it is that once upon a time the Democrats were the party of Jim Crow and the KKK. Now, I realize that things have changed.
However, I don’t think politicians are “good”. I’m cynical. Politicians want power. Otherwise, why would Rutherford B. Hayes have removed federal troops when that was obviously necessary?
I remember reading a book a while back, by a black author, in which he said that if blacks could vote just 20% Republican, that would change the balance of power enough that politicians would get off their butts and address issues like failing schools, etc. Right now they don’t bother because the Dems know they have got the black vote locked up and the GOP doesn’t bother competing for it. It’s all about power and it’s a very cynical way to look at things…
Anyway, I really appreciate your articles and the light they shine on history.