I enjoyed Everybody Hates Chris.
Honestly, WTF about the studios not wanting black actresses? Guess what Hollywood - no one else cares if the actress has deep black skin. If that is the character - that is what I want to see.
The character of Chris had a BLACK mother. So a black actress should have been chosen and good on Chris Rock for making sure the spectacular Arnold got that role. She rocked it.
I am a stickler for historical accuracy and for sticking to the author's vision as much as possible with film.
I didn't like them using Andy Rooney as a Japanese guy in Breakfast at Tiffany or having black Norse gods. It's just a disconnect for me. But a black James Bond? Totally cool and in keeping with a modern, diverse UK.
I wish we had more movies with the main character being something besides a white man, because that is also a better representation of reality. One reason I liked the MIB movies - the main character was black. One reason I loved Akeelah and the Bee - both the story and the main character were compelling. We just need more good stories and the reality is that it's easier to find them if we look in diverse places.