I feel sorry for the poor hedgehogs! they are so cute. glad to know there are safe ways to feed them.
Re. the age stuff - yeah, I never got it either. why would you want to be with someone who could be your child or <shudder> grandchild? seems retarded. now, men are visual creatures and if women don't take care of themselves, they become less attractive as they age. Men do too, but women seem to not care as much? OTOH, I was 49 and had had a mastectomy when my husband left, and despite being over-weight and having only one breast, I didn't have any troubles finding a bf. In fact, one of the guys who wanted to date me was 19! Which I did NOT do - I told him we could be friends, but not anything more!
The reality is that some people are simply not superficial and want a real partnership, and that takes similar maturity levels, goals, interests, etc. Whereas if a man just views women as property, then it's different. If a man objectifies women and doesn't see them as people...